A Quick Word on Discipleship
Perhaps part of the reason we have issues in seeking and pursuing relationship with God is because we barely know how to navigate them with one another. Everyone knows what it’s like to be taken advantage of but how many of us know what it’s really like to be in a loving, reciprocal relationship?
The key is discipleship.
That word almost seems trite and boring. It feels formal, didactic, maybe even a tad too religious. It doesn’t feel like a fun buzzword! It feels depleting.
I think we’ve assigned these connotations because we really don’t know how to broach the subject all together. How does one disciple in the first place? Especially if one has never been discipled themselves?
Well, let’s first look at the biblical context for the word given that the command to go and make disciples, known as the great commission, were Jesus’ last words as He ascended to be with the father after His resurrection (Matt 28:19-20). Paul lists 5 key principles for discipleship in Colossians 1:28-29 beautifully outlined in this concise, but powerful article here. It outlines the heart of discipleship which is proclaiming Jesus, the means, which is teaching and warning with wisdom, the temptations to fight, the overarching goal of discipleship, the cost, and the power of discipleship.
This is a great start. One thing I know for certain, is when you seek God whole-heartedly, you can hear Him more clearly, when you read for an understanding, when you invite Holy Spirit to guide and teach you, when you remain child-like in your faith, God rewards you with wisdom and gives you a heart for people.
1st and 2nd Timothy are also great guides for how we love and serve others well. We are living in the age of self-promotion. Even in our churches. Everyone is concerned with what God has for THEM. But perhaps what He has for you is complete submission to His plan, and not His stamp of approval on your ideas. This life is not about our glory, it’s about His. We must invest in the lives of others in a way that is authentic and pure. Without an agenda.
People are God’s greatest treasure and most effective resource. Many of humanity’s issues stem from us not knowing how to love and care for one another. Those in the body, who are held to a higher standard must learn to value accountability and humble themselves before God and to one another. That’s how we impact the world, that’s how the gospel is heard and felt and unadulterated, that’s how we end violence and injustice and every false interpretation of God. That’s how we expose the enemy.
Pray for the needs of those around you, create opportunities to pour into those in need. Ask God to show give you mentors with His heart, pray for mentees who you can relate to, who you can give meaningful advice to. It’s vital.