For Lucy
My prayers have been so intentional for my child. Ever since finding out we’re having a daughter, I’ve been even more prayerful. I’ve been thinking about her future, her childhood, her habits, her anointing. I feel her kicking and my heart almost wants to burst. The Lord has already spoken so much to me regarding her personality and disposition. I’m thrilled to meet her, and I want to cover all bases in prayer. My husband has completely changed my life. We’ve helped one another correct so many toxic behaviors. Our love for one another, our love for the Lord, has shaped such a beautiful relationship, such a beautiful life. I want her to experience that as well. Nothing missing, nothing broken.
I’ve been praying for my daughter’s husband. That God would shape his heart and his passions. I pray he is wise and strong and secure within himself. I pray in moments when he has so many questions and is filled with anxiety, he would learn to lean on His father and not his own understanding. I’m praying his family would know how to nurture his personality and his anointing and his gifting. I pray when he encounters my daughter, he regards her as royalty. That he takes great honor in holding her heart and her attention. That he never takes her for granted. That he never makes her just his roommate, or his side chick, or his space saver. But he thrusts all his energy into becoming a man worthy of her love and companionship and never allows his flesh to spur him into skipping steps. I pray he submits totally to God, that his allegiance is never questionable, that his fire always burns bright. I pray he pursues her, and washes her with the water of the word and fulfills her and empowers her and champions her. I pray he never makes her feel small, but takes all his perceived inadequacies to Christ. That he never competes with her, but cherishes being her teammate. I pray that he is a man of prayer and devotion, who is wise in all things and not a snob about it, but humbly submits when necessary. I pray he never raises his voice or his hand to her, never feels the need to prove his masculinity, but rests securely in his manhood. I pray their children further their legacy. That their home is one of Peace, where the Spirit of the Lord resides. I pray they both experience God’s very best for them both and that their marriage is a ministry. I pray they feel my prayers for years and years to come.