The Best Part
When I became a bride, I remember thinking, “it’s finally our turn.” We watched so many of our friends have beautiful weddings. We celebrated them, we were filled with joy, and our anticipation grew. Despair crept in. We had waited so long, felt so prepared and suddenly so much was snatched from us. Everything was challenged days before our wedding. We didn’t think it would happen. All we knew to do was worship and rehearse what God had spoken. And in that, His glory was revealed. The journey is important. The strain, the darkness, the unknown. It is a divine set up for the most perfect plot twist. Don’t walk out on your movie yet, you’ll miss the best part.
There’s so much more to be discovered, to be experienced, if you let go now, you’ll never see it. The enemy wants us to become so weary, we forfeit the promise. But Jesus is such a beautiful picture of what waiting well looks like. For the JOY set before Him, He kept going, kept forgiving, kept carrying the cross, kept hanging, kept praying. We are made in His image. We have been given a commission. And that commission and call will cost you! But oh, how it will glorify you. I got to have a taste of what it is like to be the bride of Christ. He pours something so profound out on us as His beloved. It is everything we need for the journey ahead. Finish your course, friend. Your crown awaits.
Love + Light,