mitch + gunner

You deserve to see yourself how you really are.

Odior Party of 4

We’ve known Kori & Bobby since college. My favorite thing about the both of them is how chill and unassuming they both are. I hear people say all the time how hard it is to find married couples they vibe with, Kel and I have been blessed to not have that problem. All our married friends are cool! It’s so nice to spend time with people who want nothing more from you than to just enjoy your company and good conversation. Marriage is hard, being a believer is hard, being black is hard, being Nigerian-American is hard. We enter into one another’s struggles and suffering together, it makes it bearable, it builds morale, it grants us perspective. And perspective, is everything. We so enjoyed our time in the park snapping photos, laughing, and dreaming about what the newest addition: a sweet babygirl, will be like.

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