It's a Struggle

Brought Low

God has brought us really low. Every position in our lives is a humble one. We serve people. Oftentimes, with little to no return. It can be really hurtful. To thrust your all into ministry, into a vision, into a business venture, into people, and be left feeling depleted and taken advantage of. 

We are most times left wondering when our turn will come. Will we always be the underdog? Will we always be underestimated and underappreciated? Will we always feel this way? Will we always have less than enough? Are we doing something wrong? Do we need to fix something? Have we missed something? Why so much lack, so much pain, so much sacrifice?

What these kinds of circumstances lead you to is a beautiful resolve to:

- Lean on God solely for sustenance, approval, love, and reward. We normally have unrealistic expectations for ourselves, others, and the world around us

- Trust the process even when you don't understand

- Let the people in your life who are a blessing to you know that they are valued because you know firsthand what it feels like to be under-valued

You're probably wondering where all of this is coming from. There is no semblance of struggle on our faces, or wardrobe, or social media accounts. The outside lens can be a double-edged sword sometimes. We need your prayers just as much as you need ours. 

There are lulls in posting because we are real people with real lives and real struggles. Wrapping our lives around the Savior means being inconvenienced. It means making time to re-boot before you present yourself to the world. It means we care a whole lot about what we produce and are prayerful about our content. 

So that's what we've done. We're experiencing loss, walking through disappointment, trying to nurse newborn dreams and foster better relationships all while aiming toward Dave Ramsey's Step 1. Trying to get over being slaves to our bodies, our emotions, our flesh and come under the submission of Jesus. 


Our marriage is a testament of how whatever is founded on the Rock of Ages, will NOT fail. We remain so deeply in love even in the face of trials. We have one another. I think that's one of the sweetest things about following Christ; always having Him. We only have one another in the confines of marriage for a short period of time since there is no marriage in Heaven. But we have God, our Abba, for eternity. He wants us to always know He's near, to press through adversity fearlessly because we know our Redeemer is alive. 

Together is better.

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So, we're saying all this to say, thank you for your readership. Thank you for your support and prayers. Thank you for the way you love us. If you are in a similar space, if God has brought you low, if you've submitted all you have to Him and still feel empty, we are praying for you. But more importantly we want you to know, you are NOT alone. The Father, the one who planned all this and knew you before you even in your mother's womb, wants to walk you through all of this! He loves you!

What this means for your relationships

The nature of your relationships will automatically improve when you have a resolve to please and honor God with your life. When you want to lay yourself down, take up your cross and walk. (Luke 9:23)When you want to follow Him more than you want comfort, or accolades, or money, or recognition, or romance. When we truly behold Him in all His splendor, looking back is the furthest thing from our minds. 

If you're needing extra encouragement and hope, consider fasting and devoting yourself to scripture and prayer. It helps so much, and truly gets you re-focused. There was a prophetic word released last week that really blessed us and we'd like to share it with you as well. Click here to read. 

We love you, 

Kel + Morgan

Sowing Into Good Ground

If you've been blessed in any way by our ministry and would like to sow into it. Please feel free to do just that! We appreciate your generosity and faith in the vision God has given us to advance His kingdom in mighty ways. Click here to give.