We believe one of the functions of our marriage is to give a picture of what the biblical intent for submission looks like, practically. There are so many misconceptions about what it means to yield and the importance of roles within the marriage. I think one thing should be very clear: as Christians my husband and I are monotheistic. This means we worship ONE GOD. Not one another, not our pride, not our emotions, but JESUS CHRIST. He is the head of our home. We both submit to God's authority chiefly. Secondly, we submit to one another within the confines of our unique roles given by God. Our roles compliment our nature but still must be honed. We all have the innate desire to have power. In essence, it's a good, innocent thing. When coupled with sin, it is extremely detrimental. I think this video is a perfect picture of the will of God when it comes to submission within the marriage. Jackie Hill-Perry will always have a special place in my heart because our stories are similar and I love how she uses her voice to make such an impact. The Perry's are eloquent and wise, so please enjoy this video and feel free to leave any feedback!