A Wild Pursuit
I've yet to take on any other task as daunting as marriage. This constitution, this covenant, shatters all expectations. Marriage is a wild pursuit. It's a rollercoaster. It is the most painful, most beautiful experience. It is a picture of Christ's burning love and affection for his bride.
Much of marriage is comprised of other duties as assigned. It becomes second nature to operate on the same frequency with your spouse when you resign yourself to this simple fact, we are in one another’s lives to make them easier, more meaningful, more fruitful. I am not in my husband’s life to coddle him, to mother or nag him, to make excuses or concessions for him. I am here to augment his life, to make him better, to assess myself and acknowledge God in the process.
Marriage is work. It is more than a full-time job because it takes up every day of the rest of your life! Don’t get me wrong, you will have room and time for yourself. But your spouse becomes an extension of you, a vital organ tethered to your being. You no longer act on your own volition, you recognize more and more your desperate need for the Holy Spirit.
I think the most challenging aspect of being a wife is the deep desire to connect with your husband, constantly and his frequent indifference about it. Men just have no idea how much we long to be valued, desired, and admired by them alone. This desire sometimes feels like a curse it’s so strong. It dictates so much of what we do and say, it is at the core of so many of our frustrations.
Bless their hearts, since their desires are different, almost diametrically opposed to ours, they tend to de-prioritize connecting with us in the way we deem fit or satisfactory.
Wives here's a challenge for you, extend grace when it comes to reasoning with and addressing your areas of concern with them. Let God's love be enough. Let everything you do and everything you are come out of the overflow of loving Him.
"We love others better when we love God best."