Wait and See
Do you remember the first time you introduced him as your husband? Do you remember how sweet that word felt coming out of your mouth? Do you remember dreaming of waking up beside him? Do you remember that small void you felt every time you had to say goodnight before you went back to your separate worlds, your separate beds, your separate lives? Do you remember how much you longed to become one?
We were engaged nearly 2 years before we got married. As hard as that was for the both of us, we knew the Lord was preparing us, and I'm so thankful He did. We both waited for Him to speak a specific date to us. THE date. A lot of people thought it was silly. They thought we should just jump the broom already. But we knew, once we had that date, we couldn't be talked out of it, we wouldn't let it go. We had to fight for our marriage before we ever said, "I do." That fight, that tenacity, that endurance, has made our covenant firm, rooted, untouchable.
Abstinence was hard. I'd be lying if I said we never slipped. We did. Although we were always quick to repent, I spent some days being really upset with God. Why would he hold something so beautiful back from me? Why would he make it so impossible to get married? Why would he have us in the same holding pattern for so long? We had been dating for almost 6 years. Why wasn't it time yet?
Photo by: Gisele Parra
I get it now, in the thick of marriage. Your wait time is knitting together a tapestry of testimonies, experiences, and lessons. It also gives your love the chance to grow. You're less apt to forget the battle when you have the scars. We have many love scars. They adorn us. We have been decorated in battle. No, I'm not giving this up. Never. I was given a fulfilled prophecy. I have journals filled with God's promises, His words, His admonishments, and correction. We have sweat and blood equity already invested in this thing. We will not forget.
Everything you dreamed of, prayed for, imagined, is now yours. Keep it sweet. Let it be everything God planned it to. Remember you are one, remember to kiss one another, remember to thank one another, remember to be present. Be patient in the process. The both of you are growing, and it's always nice to have someone who will suffer alongside you, and help ease the tension instead of add to it. Be patient with one another, be patient with yourselves.
Photo by: Anzeo David
We tend to hang our heads low when the Lord tells us to wait. As if it is a punishment. As if it is the kind of wait we receive from a doctor pending test results, or the wait the bank gives us after we apply for a loan. We sit on the edge of our seats, wracked with anxiety, expecting the worst. Burdened by the passing time, believing the longer the wait, the less likely we'll receive the answer we want.
Friends, God's wait isn't like that at all. God's wait is a, "Wait and see the suprise I have for you, close your eyes, and don't open until I say so." When your eyes are closed, your sense of hearing is heightened. Faith comes by hearing, and we walk by faith and not by sight.
Trust Him. His surprises are always the best.
"In your patience, possess your souls."
Luke 21:19
The Mbadugha's