So Much in a Name
I’ve thought long and hard about hyphenating my last name. I’ve loved being an Osborne. It’s cool. It’s what I’ve been my whole life. But now, I’m an Mbadugha. That means something different. I’m ingrafted. Some women have their businesses attached to their names, others are the only child their parents had and want to carry on the lineage in some capacity. Others just really like their last name! Mbadugha is not an addendum. It’s not an attachment at the end of who I am. It is my legacy. Yes it is cumbersome to pronounce. Especially for Texans. Yes, there are lots consonants. But I’m okay with that. It doesn’t sound how it looks. But neither do I. Sometimes I want to write it phonetically. Just to help people. But it doesn’t work most times. My point is this, I take pride and ownership in carrying my husband’s name. I’m not losing anything. I’m gaining. That’s so cool. Just like coming into the kingdom. My old nature is gone. I’m completely new. I don’t want any epithet attached to the old me.
Don’t misconstrue what I’m saying. Osborne is lovely. But to be fair, it takes a lot of letters to hyphenate my name and I really don’t have time for all that!
My aim is not to sway anyone or guilt you for your name choice. You are free in Christ! Just thought I’d share my journey.